The simplest way to get the current best Ruby / Rails extensions is to go to Extensions search bar and search for search items and install the most popular plugins in your case Ruby and Rails extension.

One of the best Ruby extensions that does not have a lot of downloads but is essential for Ruby development it is called “vscode-ruby-ctags”. This extension gives you the power of clicking inspecting methods and method definitions.

If you use Vim you can install Vim plugin and you also want to install NeoVim in order to get the power of Vim inside VS Code editor.

In Vim you have golden-ratio which helps you with automatically resizing panes where cursor is currently focused. In vim you have something close. If you click on “split editor” and drag file separator all the way to the right you can than “ctrl + w + r” and “ctrl + w + l” to get the same effect. Don’t forget that you can toggle navigation with “cmd + b”

Play around with user preference with “cmd + ,” and go check out relevant settings for plugins and text editor.