Where is this method coming from?
In this blog post we will be looking at how to find method in the method lookup chain
class Person
Person.ancestors # => [Person, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]
Do you know where ancestors
method is coming from? I don’t either so let’s investigate.
We know that the lookup chain contains [Person, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]
so lets start here.
result = Person.ancestors.select do |class_or_module|
el.methods(false).include?(:ancestors) ||
result # => []
This is weird. It looks like that those Classes and Kernel Module don’t contain ancestors
method. We are probably doing something wrong here. Lets’ examine this a little more.
# Ok we are calling
# We know that Person is a Class.
Person.class # => Class
# Lets see if the ancestors method is inside Class.
Class.instance_methods(false).include?(:ancestors) # => false
Class.methods(false).include?(:ancestors) # => false
# Oh man. Well this is disappointing.
# Lets look what ancestors does Class have.
Class.ancestors # => [Class, Module, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]
# Oh wait. Do you see the difference here between Person and
# Class method lookup chain. It has a Module.
Module.instance_methods(false).include?(:ancestors) # => true
Module.methods(false).include?(:ancestors) # => false
Yes. We did it! We found it inside Module.