Great 2018 RailsConf Talks
I just finished watching all of 88 RailsConf 2018 talks. It took me few months and here we are. Just as a side note I am using Chrome Extension to speed up Youtube videos in ranges between 1.5x up to 2.5x
Most of the talks are good, some of them are great and one is so amazing that it gets its own category. I hope you enjoy this talks and learn about things that you did not know.
Awesome Talk:
Great Talks:
- RailsConf 2018: The Doctor Is In: Using checkups to find bugs in production by Ryan Laughlin
- RailsConf 2018: Don’t Settle for Poor Names (or for Poor Design) by Alistair McKinnell
- RailsConf 2018: Pairing: a guide to fruitful collaboration 🍓🍑🍐 by André Arko
- RailsConf 2018: Some Funny Things Happened on The Way to A Service Ecosystem…
- RailsConf 2018: Warden: the building block behind Devise by Leonardo Tegon
- RailsConf 2018: The Evolution of Rails Security by Justin Collins
- RailsConf 2018: Keynote: The Future of Rails 6: Scalable by Default by Eileen Uchitelle
- RailsConf 2018: Running a Business, Demystified by Todd Kaufman & Justin Searls
Good Talks:
- RailsConf 2018: Ten years of Rails upgrades by Jordan Raine
- RailsConf 2018: Re-graphing The Mental Model of The Rails Router by Vaidehi Joshi
- RailsConf 2018: Inside Active Storage: a code review of Rails’ new framework…
- RailsConf 2018: Up And Down Again: A Migration’s Tale by Derek Prior
- RailsConf 2018: Opening Keynote: FIXME by David Heinemeier Hansson
- RailsConf 2018: The GraphQL Way: A new path for JSON APIs by Nick Quaranto
- RailsConf 2018: Access Denied: the missing guide to authorization in Rails by Vladimir Dementyev
- RailsConf 2018: Booleans are Easy - True or False? by Craig Buchek
- RailsConf 2018: Candy on Rails: Polymorphism & Rails 5 by Michael
- RailsConf 2018: Dropping Into B-Trees by David McDonald
- RailsConf 2018: Operating Rails in Kubernetes by Kir Shatrov
- RailsConf 2018: Turbo Boosting Real-world Applications by Akira Matsuda
- RailsConf 2018: Debugging Rails Itself by Sean Griffin
- RailsConf 2018: 6 degrees of JavaScript on Rails by Michael Crismali
- RailsConf 2018: So You’ve Got Yourself a Kafka: Event-Powered Rails Services by Stella Cotton
- RailsConf 2018: Harry the Hedgehog Learns You A Communication by Laura Mosher
- RailsConf 2018: Look Before You Import: A Webpack Survival Guide by Ross Kaffenberger
- RailsConf 2018: Closing Keynote by Aaron Patterson
- RailsConf 2018: Upgrading Rails at Scale by Edouard Chin
- RailsConf 2018: Postgres 10, Performance, and You by Gabe Enslein
- RailsConf 2018: Your first contribution (and beyond) by Dinah Shi
- RailsConf 2018: Using Skylight to Solve Real-World Performance Problems by Yehuda…
- RailsConf 2018: Containerizing Rails: Techniques, Pitfalls, & Best Practices by Daniel Azuma